Submitted by noline9 on

Hello Line 9 opponents!
Despite Enbridge's repeatedly altered predictions, diluted tar sands
bitumen and volatile fracked oil from the Bakken shale fields are
still not flowing in Line 9. Concerted opposition to this dangerous
project has continued to keep it at bay for more than a year past the
original start-up goal. But Enbridge is scrambling to turn the line on
to satisfy the demands of their shippers and stop slipping in the
stock market (
As we know, they're concerned only about their profits and not about
the land, water, or our communities, so they're rushing through more
last-minute excavations and "repairs"
in hopes of pumping dilbit and fracked oil through this aging line as
soon as December. Let's make sure that Line 9 doesn't start pumping
then, or ever!
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation is continuing to champion the
current fight against Line 9. While their initial federal court
challenge received a 2-1 ruling against them, the strong dissenting
opinion has opened up a promising avenue of appeal. It's still clear
as ever that they were not consulted as is required under treaty. On
Thursday, they announced their decision to appeal the initial ruling
to the Supreme Court of Canada ( This
is the next major step in opposition to Line 9 and to assert treaty
rights and responsibilities.
This appeal entails more legal costs, so if you're able, please donate
to the COTTFN legal fund
Right now, Enbridge is scrambling to do more patchwork on the line,
and has a series of sites lined up for work this month. This delay is
thanks to the hard work of opposition including Citoyens au Courant,
who are posting ongoing updates:
These excavations require water, and in such large quantities the
water can only come via permit. The public can comment on these
permits, so add your thoughts now to say that Enbridge shouldn't take
water for a project that will just poison the water! Enbridge seems to
be disregarding this requirement, as they plan to complete the work
before the comment period is even closed (let alone when the comments
could be reviewed), but it's another way for us to intervene. Go to
to submit your comments.
Finally, an event heads-up: Myeengun Henry of Chippewas of the Thames
First Nation will be speaking in Waterloo as part of the local Climate
March on November 29--go check out the march
( and hear more from
Myeengun about his community's challenge to Line 9!
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